It’s that time again, the anniversary of losing my mom. I’ve been thinking of her even more than usual the past couple of months. I’m not sure why. It just seems like everything reminds me of her or makes me think of her lately. I can’t even fathom how it can possibly have been three years already. It feels like it’s only been a few weeks.
I want to share one of her favorite videos today. In fact, I think it was her all-time favorite video in the history of ever. It was one of the Superbowl commercials in 2000. Back then, in pre-YouTube days, we watched it on an ad industry website that ultimately required paid premium membership to view the videos. Being an industry site, the membership was something like $200 a year, far too much to pay to watch one video over and over. My mother was heartbroken. When YouTube came along, I kept watching to see if anyone would upload it. Someone eventually did, and Mom was so excited. She begged me to copy the file and put it directly on her computer so she’d never be without it again. She kept it on her desktop. That was back in 2006.
When I would go and stay with her, I have memories of waking up so many mornings and hearing this video playing on the computer in the other room with Mom giggling softly to herself. She really did love it. So I’ve been watching it a lot lately.
I recommend watching this in full-screen. I miss you, Mums.
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